Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sami on iChat

Just a little video of me talking with Sami...

Thursday, February 18, 2010


So, I wanted to make a list of 25 things that I loved about Stacey for Valentine's day - well, the list quickly expanded to 50 then to 100....

  1. I love how creative she is.

  2. Everyday she amazes me with her talents.

  3. I am so proud of the pictures she takes, and I love to boast and brag to everyone about them.

  4. I love her smile.

  5. I love how she snuggles close to me when she feels uncomfortable or out of her element. This occurs most frequently when meeting new people.

  6. I love that she drools when she sleeps.

  7. The relationship that she has with my family – how much they love her and have made her a part of the family.

  8. The beautiful children she has produced.

  9. The willingness to bring children into our family and into this world.

  10. She understands that I will never be close to perfect, but she seems to like those imperfections.

  11. How she puts up with my romantic endeavors

  12. The jokes we make about her being in love with Mr. Darcey

  13. The jokes we make about her being in love with Edward

  14. She puts up with my jokes and teasing about her Twilight books

  15. How she loves Chick Flicks

  16. How she loves Reality Shows

  17. Her ability to put up with my singing, yet I am a horrible singer!

  18. She puts up with my love of ‘gay’ music and the 80’s.

  19. She is such a wonderful mother

  20. She cracks me up when she has had enough of the kids for the day – and will lock herself in her room to get some free time.

  21. I love how she needs her afternoon Sunday nap.

  22. She puts up with watching my Guy Flicks with me.

  23. She dresses nice, and seems fashionable to me.

  24. I love snuggling with her.

  25. Her innate ability to laugh at my bad jokes, and will throw in a few of her own.

  26. Her ability to deal with the fact that her husband is immature.

  27. Her home-decorating skills

  28. He feistiness

  29. The words that slip out of her mouth on occasion…usually during car accidents or close calls.

  30. She pushes me when I procrastinate – especially on house projects.

  31. She calls me or texts me during the day when I am at work.

  32. She always looks good, especially without make-up

  33. Her inability to do simple math

  34. I love her stomach

  35. She does not stay angry at me for long

  36. She manipulated me into reading the Twilight series and watch the Twilight movies with her – but I enjoy doing something with her that she enjoys.

  37. She cracks me up that she has read each Twilight book at least 10 times (not an exaggeration)

  38. She is addicted to email and her computer

  39. She has dreams of traveling to exotic places – and Chicago.

  40. She bought me a guitar

  41. She puts up with my guitar playing.

  42. She laughs when I have gas.

  43. She laughs when she has gas and blames it on me.

  44. She wrecks all of our cars – I didn’t let her drive the truck much…

  45. After 14 years of marriage, I haven’t driven her crazy.

  46. The fact that we read the Harry Potter series together (or at least a majority of it)

  47. She likes to play GOA, Ticket to Ride, etc.

  48. I love her cooking

  49. She puts up with the fact that I like to bake

  50. People wonder how I snagged such a wonderful, beautiful girl

  51. She thinks I look good

  52. She picks out great clothes for the kids to wear

  53. She loves to sleep

  54. She tolerates my golf habit…

  55. She is non-social (rather stay in with the family then go out in groups)

  56. It is sometimes hard to talk her into doing things, but then she ends up enjoying it.

  57. She loves 5 guys hamburgers

  58. She loves Lamars

  59. Everyone loves Stacey’s personality


  61. She enjoys attending baseball games with me

  62. She gets nervous when giving talks or lessons, and frets about it for days.

  63. She is jealous of my iphone.

  64. She takes me out to dinner and movies – she always pays…

  65. She loves SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE and DANCING WITH THE STARS, but doesn’t like to dance.

  66. She loves to ride bikes as a family and is willing to drag Sami behind her in a bike trailer.

  67. She has this uncanny ability to tune me out

  68. She puts up with my fantasy baseball, basketball, and football addiction

  69. She puts up with my Major League Baseball addiction

  70. She loves to see her children succeed at things

  71. Sometimes she knows the day before that she won’t be well enough to attend church…

  72. I can’t sleep without her – I have had insomnia for two and a half months

  73. I love the way she kisses me

  74. I love falling asleep next to her

  75. I love kissing her each morning before I leave to work (and most of the time she remembers it)

  76. She made me go to a Celine Dion concert

  77. She let me go to a Death Cab for Cutie Concert


  79. She calls me ‘babe’

  80. She hates needles

  81. I love her turkey enchiladas and chicken rolls

  82. I love her eggs with cheese and bacon

  83. I love her cheese cake

  84. She makes fantastic scrap books

  85. She gets mad at me when she has a bad dream about me

  86. She loves the HELL’S KITCHEN at HEIDI’S DELI

  87. Stacey is more into technological gadgets then I am – she wanted an HD TV.

  88. I love how she has a fear of swimming in anything where she can’t see the bottom

  89. I love that she tried snorkeling for me – and she loved it.

  90. I love how she loves to read – sometimes it is not even Twilight books

  91. She sleeps in sweat pants and loves to be warm all the time

  92. She takes the hottest showers

  93. She has a hard time being early to anything

  94. I love that she had to have someone in the ward teach her how to dress more feminine

  95. She loves COSTCO

  96. She doesn’t know the lyrics to most songs but ends up making up her own lyrics

  97. She is my best friend

  98. I love her Brain Farts

  99. I love that we can spend so much time together and not get sick of each other

  100. I love the way she makes my heart flutter when I think about her, and that there is still romance and love in our marriage. That I still get excited to spend time with her and hold her hand, and that we still kiss each other and make-out on occasion.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Griffin Happenings

I just wanted to jot down a few thoughts on things that have been going on lately. The house is still in limbo -- we are supposed to close on the house next Monday, so the bank needs to get things in gear right now. Very frustrating process and I don't recommend anyone going through this. Mainly, I wanted to write about what the kids are up to. Sami just turned 2 last week. I can't believe that I have a two year old little girl - she is growing up too fast. When you ask her how old she is, she will put up one finger from each hand to show that she is two. The other day, Stacey's Dad was cleaning out the lint from the dryer and he put on a face mask so he wouldn't breath in the lint. Sami saw him and it freaked her out -- she clung to her Grandma McClanahan's leg until she was picked up. Then, she said 'close eyes' and proceed to close her eyes for the next couple of minutes until Grandpa took off the mask. Silly girl! On Sunday, she got her hair put into curlers so it was really curly. She thought that she was something else with her beautiful hair!! Ryan right now is focusing on school. Stacey said that he comes home and does his homework on his own - he will get on the computer and start typing out his spelling words until he has them memorized. Great kid! He cracks me up when we talk on iChat, because he spends more time playing with the gadgets that turn the screen different colors or makes people have funny faces. I just sit and stare at him and laugh - and wonder how he grew up so fast. Hunter is busy with his legos. Right now he is making Custom Legos - meaning that he is taking lego figures that he already has and is coloring them different colors or taking sandpaper to rub off certain things to change their appearance or their weapons. He also has made paper capes and other things for the figures. He has made some amazing things. He sanded down two lego heads so they had half a head and then he glued them together to form a distorted face. He is sending pictures so I will get those posted. Stacey is still pregnant - but that will only last 6 more months. I miss being able to be there everyday with her and to see the progress of her expanding belly. Hopefully, we will soon be together!