Monday, June 07, 2010

Status Update

It has been a little while since I have posted...hopefully, you will understand the reasons why 1) Moving and settling into the house 2) My job 3) The boys have been on the computer non-stop 4) it is baseball season, and 5) too tired an lazy. But I need to catch-up so I will try and fit a lot of the more interesting things in this post. First of all, the baby is 6 to 8 weeks away...and contrary to my wants we will not be naming the baby CATCHER, PRINCESS LEIA, or LITTLE FART (maybe we will have a 5th?). We have had some good experiences lately in the family...and I am not just talking about the all the yard work that we have been doing. For the first time in our family, we have been very disciplined about reading the scriptures (except when Cari and Scott were here) and it has got the kids thinking a lot. Ryan decided about two weeks ago that he wanted to bear his testimony at the next fast and testimony meeting, but he was nervous because he didn't know when he should go up. The bishopric actually came over to our house and issued Stacey and I callings (another story I will share at the end of this post) and Ryan asked the Bishop about sharing his testimony. I think the Bishopric helped ease his fears. So, on Sunday I asked Ryan if he was going to bear his testimony - after starting to get up and he would sit back down because someone else got up, then he finally went and sat on the stand and bore his testimony. It was simple and sweet about the church, families, and being grateful for a body. He did a fantastic job! Of course, Stacey and I were as proud as could be.

Hunter decided one night several weeks ago that he wanted to know if the church is true. So, each night Hunter ensures that him and I kneel down in PARTNER PRAYER (something my dad did with me growing up) and we offer a simple prayer to help Hunter know if the Church is true. Hunter is still waiting for his answer and each night we have a discussion about effective prayer and what Hunter needs to do get his prayers answered as well as trying to instruct Hunter on recognizing the spirit. It has been great. Also, I have taken a little extra time with Hunter each night to answer questions or to just talk with him. It has been such a great experience. Sometimes we talk about Legos or Star Wars, but most of the time we talk about important things in his life (turns out that it isn't always Legos and Star Wars). Some discussions end up going 30 to 40 minutes before we know it! But let me tell you something -- it is better than watching DANCING WITH THE STARS, AMERICAN IDOL, and (yes Amy) GLEE. It ranks right up there with THE OFFICE, MODERN FAMILY, and BASEBALL TONIGHT, however. I encourage everyone to take just an extra 15 minutes of YOUR time to spend talking with your kids (not sure how Austin or Colby will react to this, Sami mumbles something about Twinkle Twinkle).

I promised the story about the bishopric so here it is: The whole Bishopric came over to our house last Tuesday night to issue Stacey and I callings. Our whole family sat in on the discussion as the Bishopric welcomed us to the ward and issued our callings. Stacey got one of the best callings in the church (besides Sunday School Golf Instructor - which I am still pushing for in the church - unsuccessful so far). She does the weekly Bulletin or Program designer. I got called to be the 1st counselor in the Young Men's - so I work with the Teachers. As soon as I accepted the calling Hunter said "My Dad is not a fan of teenagers!" We all laughed as we weren't sure what he meant by that but he remembered an experience I had in our ward in Colorado where I chases some Priests around the church trying to get them to go to Mutual. Anyway, I do like Teenagers, but I am not going to be a fan of teenagers in a few years when Hunter hits that wonderful age...


m@R(! said...

wow you guys have been busy! I love how hunter said you aren't fan of teenagers...that is hilarious.
i think every guy in our family except Dad is in the YM presidency. CRAZY!

mommag said...

We were just commenting on that too - that all the men in our family are in Young Mens. What a great place to be. Thanks for the update -we love hearing about your family.