Saturday, April 06, 2013


I need to post this so I never forget it - in January I started coaching Ryan's basketball team. We had practices every Monday and Wednesday night. On Tuesday nights Hunter and I would race off together to go to YM (or Scouts). Each night Lily would ask "are you going to Scouts? Are you going to basketball?" It was so cute and became a nightly ritual. After about two months of doing this I think she got tired of it or just lazy because she then just started asking "are you going to Scoutsaball?" No matter how many times we tried to correct her she would always say "Scoutsaball!" She continues to say it any time I go anywhere without her. "You going to Scoutsaball?" I can't wait for her to try and fit baseball in there somehow now...

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1 comment:

cari said...

So Cute!!!!!