Friday, June 02, 2006

Forever Memories Photography

Baseball seems to be handling itself without me blogging about it, so I am going to post some pictures from Forever Memories Photography, that deal with baseball. These pictures are absolutely amazing and caught my eye because of their uniqueness. These are actual photographs that have been manipulated to give it an old time picture feel. Look at the artistic ability and creativity of the photographer. The photographer is Stacey M. Griffin. She is a well-known photographer that specializes in children’s photography; however, she has taken wedding pictures all over the country and is known for her creativity, artistic foresight, and sweet personality. Check out the website at Apparently, she is in high demand but well worth booking a sitting with her….besides, her prices are less expensive than most photographers of her stature and experience.


Anonymous said...

Pretty cool pics...

the Aymster said...

Wow, do you know this Stacey girl personally? She sounds great. How did you happen to come upon her pictures??