Friday, February 08, 2008

A Simple Fire Truck

Ryan is almost 5 years old. He has been our baby for so long - but now with Samantha in the picture he looks like a giant compared to her. He seems to have grown up very quickly in the past 2 weeks, but he still is my little boy. Ryan received a present from his Grandma and Grandpa McClanahan on Wednesday - it was an early birthday present. They bought him a lego firetruck. Hunter and Ryan spent quite a bit of time putting that truck together. Hunter has become somewhat of an expert at putting together Legos, so Ryan let him at it and offered some help. Today, Ryan got mad at his Mom and so he broke apart his firetruck. Mommy told him that she wasn't going to help him put it back together because of the way he acted. Well, after quite some time he realized what a mistake he made in breaking apart his firetruck and he asked Mommy to help him put it back together again. She reiterated the fact that she wasn't going to help him. He asked for the directions and she got them for him. He ended up following the directions and putting that firetruck back together. When we got home tonight one of the first things he told me was that he put that lego firetruck together by himself. I was so proud of him and amazed that he could do that by himself. He is really growing up and becoming more and more self-sufficient. He was also so proud of himself for accomplishing that. As a Dad, I get this overwhelming feeling of love when I see my boys accomplishing tasks or doing things that show they are growing up. Even when Hunter does something as simple as putting the trash can away, I see him growing up and I can't believe I have a son that can accomplish a more mature task. I can't wait until both Hunter and Ryan can shovel the snow off the driveway and mow the lawn....

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