Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Momma's Girl

I have been getting a lot of people asking me why I haven't written lately on my blog and when am I going to post again. Okay, not really, but I do need to write. First of all, Sammie (Sami - however you want to spell it) turned 8 months old a few days ago. WHEN DID SHE TURN 6 MONTHS OLD? She is growing way too fast and she wants do everything quickly. She is pulling herself up onto everything, she wants to walk, she is crawling on hands and knees, and she even has 6 teeth already. Why can't she just slow down and wait for things to happen?? I can see her now when she is 15 years old and some idiotic, greasy boy wants to take her out on a date. She is going to want to go and I will be fighting her to simply wait and slow down. I just want to enjoy her being little. The thing that frustrates me the most is that she won't stay put in my arms very long. It is almost torture to her to stay in my arms. She wants to be moving every where and exploring everything. The one nice thing is that she will still curl up in my arms and fall asleep at night. That is definitely one of my greatest joys! Especially since she is still a Momma's girl. If Stacey is in the room then she wants her momma. I don't mind being second best as long as I can still rock her to sleep each and every night...until she is 15...


Ashley & Donnie said...

She is so cute Johnny! And you sound like a WONDERFUL daddy! :)

m@R(! said...

it's about time!! :) i LOVE the picture..she has the cutest smile ever and seems to use it all the time!

GRIFJR said...

I am so glad that some people are still reading this!!

cari said...

I love reading your blogs. Keep them coming. Sami is sooooo cute. I can tell you are sure enjoying her.