Monday, December 15, 2008


I wanted to mention the parent teacher conferences that we had with both Hunter and Ryan’s teachers. These conferences were held a while ago, but my lack of writing on the blog has forced me to talk about them now.

Ryan’s teacher said that he is such a good kid in class. He is well mannered and considerate (which is far cry from what he is at home). Mrs. North said that Ryan works very hard in class, especially when doing arts and crafts – he really takes his time and does a fantastic job. He is also pretty good with Math and numbers. However, Ryan struggles in reading and sounding words out. His teacher absolutely loves him and his personality.

Hunter’s teacher enjoys having him in her class. She said that Hunter is a good student and a joy to have in class. She said that he struggles in math and he struggles focusing on getting tasks done. She frequently has to help him stay on track. Hunter does not work hard in school. However, she said that Hunter is fantastic at spelling and reading. In fact, she has a chart of the students and their reading capabilities after taking AR tests. She had to expand the chart because Hunter is off the chart. In fact, he doubles just about every other student in the class! He is an amazing reader and she said by the end of the school year he will be at a reading level that is equivalent to graduating from the Fourth grade.

As you can see, Hunter and Ryan seem to be complete opposite students. It will be interesting to see how they do as they progress in school and get older. Hunter is considering being a doctor right now and Ryan wants to be a Construction worker.

1 comment:

m@R(! said...

wow they are opposite..that is so funny that ryan wants to be a constructions worker..i can see him being the man in charge of bulldozing huge building.