Friday, March 28, 2008


So, I met my goal for the year and I read the Book of Mormon all the way through. My goal was to read the Book of Mormon 7 pages a day and it would take about 73 days to finish the book. I started around Januray 2nd or 3rd and finished on March 25th, about 8 days later than I expected. I attribute it to the fact that we went to Utah last week (gotta blame it on something). But even though I am few days late, I am still excited about reaching my goal of finishing the book and was only a little off on my target. Setting and accomplishing goals are so important in life as well as reading scripture. Do both or combine both and you will be set in your life. I guess now I need to start over or read the Bible...


m@R(! said...

wow that is awesome John!!! i am amazed. it is hard to read that much especially when you work all day and have 3 kids to take care of. way to go

GRIFJR said...

I attribute it to having no TV.