Monday, April 06, 2009

Opening Day

There is a lot of discussion and debate about what day is really considered the opening day of Major League Baseball. Yesterday there was one baseball game supposedly signifying the inaugral game of the season, while today most of the rest of the teams played games. Typically, for me, the first game of the baseball season is considered opening day for me; however, this year I viewed things a little different. I usually am pretty open and boisterous about the opening day of baseball, but I feel with so many other things going on this time of year, I haven't been chatting up baseball with my kids. But when I got home from work today and as soon as dinner was over, Hunter hit me up to go play catch outside. Of course this was a YESDAD moment, but also something where I am easily swayed to do, so we went outside and played catch. Ryan wanted to be the coach and tell us what to do, which he tried hard to do, but got distracted with all the other things being outside has to offer. Hunter and I played for quite a while in the front yard with him standing in our driveway and me on the other side of the street - and only stopping when one of us spotted a car heading our way. Toward the time when the light in sky became dark Ryan decided that he wanted to try his hand at playing catch. So, him and I played catch for quite a while - even when we couldn't see the ball any more he still wanted to play catch. Eventually, I was able to convince him it was time to go in the house, after I promised we would play another night. After this evening, I can't help but think that OPENING DAY of baseball must be something inbred in the Griffin genes...why else would the boys all of the sudden want to play baseball -- they can feel it in the air...


cari said...

I love baseball, but I don't watch enough of it. I love going to a good game. I can also feel it in the air as I hear people talking about the game. One person even asked if I knew who the 1st baseman was for the Toronto Blues Jays because they couldn't remember. They said it had Bay in it and I was like Overbay. I was correct! Although I don't watch enough I still know a little what is going on. It is the Griffin gene!

GRIFJR said...