Saturday, October 24, 2009


I just had to write down this little Ryan-ism. Last night Ryan and I were lying on my bed after a tickle fight. I expressed to him how much I loved him and I wanted him to know that he was more important to me then anything in the world. He asked me if I loved him more then all the money in the world. I said "Yes." He asked me if I loved him more then all the cars in the world, to which I replied "Yes." Then, he asked me if I would love him when he got married. I said "Of course I will still love you. I will love you forever!" Then, he said "Will you still love me if I marry a Spanish woman?" That question took me back a little bit and I said "Yes, I would love any woman that you loved and wanted to marry." His reply "But I don't know how to speak Spanish!"

I guess that would make things difficult...


Stacey said...

more Ryan-isms.....

m@R(! said...

ryan is seriously hilarious. where does he come up with this stuff?

Amy Brown said...

Once again, you've made me laugh out-loud! he is such a cutie! I guess Jeremy could translate if he needed it! Here's all i know in!!

Amy Brown said...

Here are a few things that might help Ryan out with his quest to find a spanish woman!... hay, que bonitos ojos tienes! Eres tan linda! No, mi amor, te ves muy flaca en ese vestido! Hoy no puedo lavar los trastes, tengo que ver el partido de los Rockies! no puedo ir al baile, voy a jugar golf con mis amigos! Good luck Ryan!

GRIFJR said...

Jeremy - I don't understand a thing you wrote but you had me at 'golf.'

GRIFJR said...

Jeremy - I don't understand a thing you wrote but you had me at 'golf.'

cari said...

Oh I just love Ryan. i also love the golf thing