Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What Next?

Technology is such an amazing thing and tonight I have really recognized that fact as I am here writing on my blog and watching the Cardinals play the Arizona Diamond Backs (in HD) on my computer as I type. Albert Pujols is up to bat and has already hit a HR and Ryan Ludwick has hit two HRs. Hunter and Ryan just got done playing the Wii. Hunter earlier was iChatting with his friend Alex in Colorado. Stacey is sitting on the La-Z-boy recliner playing a game on her iTouch while watching Princess Protection Program (must be something along the lines of High School Musical 1 and 2 - not 3 as that was apparently pretty cool, though I have not actually watched it). In the background my iPhone is chiming with every email that I receive. Amazing stuff that technology. Someday we will laugh at how even everything I describe will be so outdated - I hope to be watching a 3D hologram baseball game in my living room by then...of course, by then I will have a DVR robotic brain...

By the way, Pujols was intentionally walked.


m@R(! said...

that is awesome..i can totally imagine it. Don't tell Amy you haven't watch HSM3 yet!

GRIFJR said...

I have only watched the good parts (meaning where I can see Amy and somewhat of Brandon). Is there really any reason to watch the rest of the movie?