Saturday, February 08, 2014

Saturday February 8, 2014

Lily - sledding down our street on a saucer sled and having a blast. I couldn't get her to quit. She had cute rosy cheeks in her bundled up snow outfit. Hot chocolate afterwards with dad. She crawled into bed around 4 pm and has been down for the rest of the night.
Sami - helped me build a snow cave. She loved outside and would push it until she got extremely cold and then would finally go inside screaming and crashing because she was so cold. Did that a couple of times.
Ryan - I went outside to see Ryan going head first on a sled down our street. Didn't recognize him because he was covered in snow!
Hunter - got him outside sledding a little bit. He had more fun when his buddy Tyson arrived.
Stacey - made orange rolls. Mmmmmmmmmm!
John - had fun in the snow with the kids. Came inside got warm and transferred videos from camera to computer. Made an emergency run to the store with Sven John where I got the last two gallons of milk. Cars where ditched on the side of the road everywhere. Watched ALL IS LOST with Robert Redford.

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