Monday, January 18, 2010

Ducks Fan??

Apparently, in Oregon you have to be a University of Oregon Ducks fan or an Oregon St. University Beaver fan (personally, I think a Cougar could take them both on). In my firm, there is a division of Beaver and Duck fans, and they are all trying to convert me to one side or the other. One of the Partners bribed me with courtside seats to the Ducks vs. Arizona game for this past Saturday. It was an amazing game! I called up Alan Longhurst and he flew in for the weekend and we went to the game. Arizona beat Oregon pretty good, though the score was pretty close for much of the game. Attached are a few pictures from the game:

Do you Recognize the old guy in the picture with me? That is Lute Olsen who coached the Arizona team for many, many years.


Amy Brown said...

Wow! you are VIP!!! All of these free games and food and meeting celebrities!!! I'm finally glad to call you my brother!!!!!!!!!!! haha, just kidding, I've always been glad to call you my brother!

GRIFJR said...

It took a long time before I could call you my sister. I am just glad that I am not dragging my Ass. everywhere - couldn't get my tired Ass. out of bed, or my lazy Ass. to the gym. Good to have you as a sister again...

cari said...

Looks like fun. Have you converted to be a Duck yet? Coach Olsen is wearing the same sweater he did when he coached!!

mommag said...

Sounds like you are having way too much fun. That is awesome. Grandpa thinks you photoshopped in the picture of Lute.