Friday, January 08, 2010

The New Twilight Eclipse Moon

I wanted to clear the air on a misconception that most of you out there have - no, I am not reading the Twilight Series....should anyone ask please let them know that. Candidly, yes, I am reading the Twilight series, but no one is ever going to know that - is that understood? I have made powerful friends in Salem, farmers and grape growers that you would never want to mess with (mainly because they smell like manure - but that is beside the point). In the spirit of not taking responsibility, I am going to blame this one on Brandon. Let me explain: Stacey has been trying to convince me for a very long time to read the series, but I always responded with 'maybe someday' (which in man-terms means 'never,' along with 'okay,' 'I'll get right on it,' 'Yes Dear' and 'Right after the game' - which is technically true but we didn't tell you that it will be right after the BCS Championship game in 2029). Stacey and I were having a conversation about how Brandon joined a dance troupe because a girl asked him to do it. Stacey asked me 'Would you have ever joined a dance troupe for a girl in High School?" I responded with an enthusiastic "Heck, yeah!" An answer to which I dug my own grave - Stacey then said "So, you would join a dance troupe for a girl, but you won't read The Twilight Series for me?" Several strong, poignant four letter words raced through my mind, but there was no way I could respond other then "Boy, that chainsaw is a beauty isn't it? A real manly tool." I was trapped - and I knew it. So, I read the Twilight book and I am now in the middle of New Moon. New moon has taken me about a month and a half to get through - I said I would read it but there was no time limit as to when I would finish it. The books have been a little difficult to get through. But once I got past the "what a magnificent creature" and "a perfect face" and "adonis-like features" and "beautiful" and "amazing chest" from Stacey's buttering me up, I decided to start reading the series....


Stacey said...

LOVE....TRUE LOVE!!!....

cari said...

Oh so cute!!! John what else would you be doing at night all by yourself in your shed.Might as well read them. I read the first one so far.

Amy Brown said...

The last one is my favorite. New Moon is the hardest to get through, but i still really liked it!!

m@R(! said...

you are hilarious! i bet you secretly think it is the best book ever and have read it 5 times already. :)