Thursday, March 12, 2009


Ryan is our arts and crafts child. He can do some of the most amazing things with paper, scissors, and some glue or staples. He loves to make and color whatever he can find. The other day I brought him home a box of letterhead from work that we no longer use. He was so excited to get it and he immediately put it to use, drawing, coloring, and cutting. One day, he decided to make a sacrament try which he completely made out of paper and staples, and it turned out great. The other day Stacey sent me an email with the title of RYAN HAS BEEN BUSY. She attached the picture that is on this post. Ryan was downloading pictures from of lego cars, buildings, etc. Then he cut them out and placed them into his very own lego town. Creative and busy little boy!!


m@R(! said...

really? he did that! i have a feeling stacey actually did it and is so proud that she had to email you..however, she just said that Ryan did it because she is i right???? well, actually now that i think of it...stacey probably couldn't have done that. :)

I am still impressed with Ryan's creativity.

GRIFJR said...

That is awesome! I am starting to think Stacey made it as well. Where is Ryan?? I don't see him in the picture anywhere??

cari said...

Wait isn't Stacey very creative. I think Ryan gets that from her. But then on the other hand, John you are very creative too, especially with your writing. I guess it must make Ryan a creative genius. He did a great job and it keeps them busy for awhile. Way to go Ry Guy!!!